Aljfa Moya Sudjba
Alexander Dugin, ‘Dykhanie dukha pod pulyami v Ostankino’, Arctogaia website, available at: 9. Anisin, ‘Rasstrel’. Interview with Leonid Proshkin, 2011. Alexander Korzhakov, Boris Yeltsin: Ot rassveta do zakata, Interbook, 1997. ‘Tayny rasstrela “Belogo Doma”’, Komsomolskaya Pravda, 3 October 2008, available at: 14. Interview with Gennady Zaytsev, 2010.
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Also see Zaytsev’s autobiography – G.N. Zaytsev, Alfa: Moya Sudba, Slavia, 2006.
‘Tayny rasstrela “Belogo Doma”’. Eduard Limonov, Moya Politicheskaya Biografiya, St Petersburg, 2002. However, I have never seen anyone in the NBP do this salute, despite hanging around with them a fair bit.

Umland, ‘Post-Soviet uncivil society’, p.74. Interview with Eduard Limonov, 2010. Limonov, Moya Politicheskaya Biografiya. 11: Heartland 1. Dunlop, ‘Aleksandr Dugin’s “Neo-Eurasian” textbook and Dmitrii Trenin’s ambivalent response’, Harvard Ukrainian Studies XXV:1/2 (2001). Brudny, Reinventing Russia, p.259. Free download program samsung printer toner reset firmware fix patch.
Dugin, Osnovy geopolitiki. Anton Shekhovtsov, ‘The palingenetic thrust of Russian neo-Eurasianism: Ideas of rebirth in Aleksandr Dugin’s worldview’, Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 9/4 (2008), pp. 491–506, available at: 5. Dugin, Osnovy geopolitiki, p.6.
Dunlop, ‘Aleksandr Dugin’s “Neo-Eurasian” textbook’. Dugin, Osnovy geopolitiki. And still is, as far as I can tell. Irek Murtazin, ‘“Orekhovskie” soberutsya snova’, Novaya Gazeta, 19 August 2013, available at:. The testimony was later disqualified by a lie detector test. An investigation was relaunched in 2013.
‘Povest o veshchem Olegoviche’, Moskovskaya Komsomolka, 26 March 2001, available at: 15. Interview with Gleb Pavlovsky, 2009. 12: The chess piece 1. Statement by the Ryazan Regional Federal Security Service (FSB) of 24 September quoted in Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky, Blowing Up Russia, Encounter Books, 2007, p.72. The book claims (pp.74–5) that the FSB operatives involved in the operation were detained first and only after they produced the FSB IDs, and after those IDs were confirmed they were released. The FSB statements however do not say this: ‘The [Ryazan] department of the FSB had identified the places of residence in Ryazan of those involved in planting the explosive device and was preparing to detain them.’ Felshtinsky, in email communication with the author, asserts that the FSB would not have said that it detained the operatives, as then it would have had to release their names.
In 2002, the newspaper Sovershenno Sekretno carried an article based on anonymous interviews with what it said were the FSB operatives who carried out what they described as a training exercise. ‘A gorod ne znal, chto ucheniya idut’, Sovershenno Sekretno 6 (2002). Olga Kryshtanovskaya and Stephen White, ‘Putin’s militocracy’, Post-Soviet Affairs 19:4 (2003), pp.289–306. Charles Clover, ‘Will the Russian bear roar again?’, Financial Times, 2 December 2000. Dunlop, ‘Aleksandr Dugin’s “Neo-Eurasian” textbook’. Interview with Petr Suslov, 2011.
Thanks to Robert C. Otto for pointing this out. Limarev confirmed this to me in a phone conversation in 2012. Litvinenko and Felshtinsky, Blowing Up Russia, p.41. ‘Zagadki Maksa Lazovskogo’, Moskovskaya Pravda, 14 March 2001. Interview with Valery Korovin, 2005.
Alexander Maksimov, quoted in Dunlop, ‘Aleksandr Dugin’s “Neo-Eurasian” textbook’. I am indebted to Eduard Ten Houten, Nukayev’s biographer, for pointing this out. It should be noted that Umar Dzhabrailov, owner of the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel in Moscow, also claims to have been the prototype for Gunaev.
Pavel Khlebnikov, Razgovor s Varvarom, Detektiv Press, 2003, p.76. Anna Politkovskaya, A Dirty War: A Russian reporter in Chechnya, Harvill Press, 1999, p.148. ‘Konstitutsionalist po klichke Khozha’, Russkaya Mysl, 15 April 1999. Interview with Petr Suslov, 2010. Interview with Petr Suslov, October 2009. 13: Political technology 1. Charles Clover, ‘Russians “adopting illiberal ideas”’, Financial Times, 16 May 2001.