Australia Map For Igo8 Update
When I select the Nav option, it displays 'iGo MyWay Primo' and all works ok. The Nav application and data is on micro SD card. When I display the micro SD card on my laptop, I see 'IGO8.exe' application and in the content/map folder, I see 'Australia83WhereiS_18_110126.fbl' FBL file. I want to update this Australia map to more current version. Autocad 2015 crack 64 bit xforce.
I have car audio system (satnav, music, radio, cd, Bluetooth, iPod,.etc.) installed in Mazda 6 which I bought 2nd hand from private seller last year. When the audio unit is switched on, it displays Chinese or Japanese writing on first intro screen then displays Main Menu in English. When I select the Nav option, it displays 'iGo MyWay Primo' and all works ok. The Nav application and data is on micro SD card. When I display the micro SD card on my laptop, I see 'IGO8.exe' application and in the content/map folder, I see 'Australia83WhereiS_18_110126.fbl' FBL file. I want to update this Australia map to more current version.
On the micro SD card I also see some folder names with invalid characters that my WIN 7 laptop cannot open. The iGO MyWay Primo first screen says map updates can be downloaded from NAVIEXTRAS.COM but when I try this via their Toolbox it cannot find my micro SD card (either in SD adaptor or USD card reader). How can I update the Australia map to 2014 version and also include safety cameras option.
I don't mind paying/annual subscription for these maps. How do I know which version/release of iGO primo I am using?