Baldwin Ode Banjo Serial Numbers
Not everyone knows where to even begin when signing up for an event. Thea is great for the seasoned runner as well as those new to competing or just wanting to participate in an activity for fun. It doesn’t get any easier. Search for an event based on time or location, and immediately come up with a plan of action to get there. You can find training programs, or one on one attention – and either way, you know will be prepared. – Mike O’Hara, coach and personal trainer, Bigger Faster Stronger Training.
Posted -: 19:51:26 Hi Laurence -- 1. What is the SERIAL number on it? It should be stamped into the inside wall of the rim.
The serial format should be one of the following: 2SR – xxx 2SR – xxx – G 2SR – xxxx – G 2. Does it have the gear adjustment hole -- in the heel? When Baldwin bought ODE, in 1966 -- they kept using Chuck's original vendors, to make all of the parts. So, all of the 'ODE' stampings remained on the metal work -- right up until the very end. The aluminum rims were die-cast -- with the molded-in words: ' Boulder -- ODE -- Colorado' along with 'model' and 'Grade' Those words were never eliminated from the mold -- even though the banjos were being made in Arkansas, starting in mid-1968.
That has caused a tremendous amount of confusion over the years. S7 200 modbus slave library download. (There is an also an apocryphal story circulating -- that the aircraft-grade aluminum, used in the ODE rims was obtained from crashed German Stuka dive bombers! You're from London. Ever hear of that tale?;-) Since yours has ONLY the 'Baldwin' banner (with no ODE) -- it was made sometime from mid-1966 to '72 or '73.
I'm still trying to tie-down a tighter date for the change to 'Baldwin + ODE'. I've documented an original purchase receipt, dated 7/7/71 -- for Baldwin DS--21xx-GE. Best-- Ed Britt ••• A good fiddle tune will bring two or more people together who might otherwise be enemies. ••• Edited by - BrittDLD1 on 06:53:45.
Although the Ode, Baldwin, and Baldwin/Ode banjos used three different series of serial numbers, these inscripted data are useful in determining the date of manufacture. Watch for the `Refurbished BRC 5 string open back “Peace Dove” banjo` on eBay March 13-20.
Posted -: 10:14:59 Hi, Laurence. Baldwin never revised the casting mold for the aluminum rims after they bought the Ode Co.
The cast ODE, Boulder, Colorado letters have caused endless confusion ever since. Your banjo was made in Arkansas. Without the hole in the heel, it's early.
Your banjo could have been made in early 1969, and not sold until you bought it a couple of years later. Your banjo is one of the first designs that came from the buyout.
Chuck Ogsbury had a bewildering variety of different tone rings available in his aluminum rimmed banjos, and Baldwin eliminated them. They simply used the rim and installed a brass cap on the inner lip, which sounded good and was much easier to produce. The Grade 2 banjos were the first to be made in the Arkansas factory. The Grade 2 banjos were also the most consistent from first to last, with the fewest changes. Baldwin was not in cahoots with Burns guitars- they owned Burns, and adopted the Burns geared truss rod to the banjo line after your banjo was made.
The Stuka story came from early Ode catalog's description of the aircraft grade aluminum the used for the rim. If you think about it, the story really makes no sense, but it's exactly the kind of voodoo that folks like to pass on.
Baldwin never changed other parts with Ode stamped on them, even when the banjos only bore the Baldwin ribbon. Anyone's guess is as good as any other as to why they continued to stamp the parts, but eventually, the Baldwin management realized that Ode was a better known name in the banjo community than Baldwin would ever be, so they dropped the Baldwin name.
Regards, Stanger The pen is mightier than the pigs. Posted -: 10:56:57 quote: Originally posted by Laurence Diehl Hi Ed - The only serial number to be found is 310. This is not in the format you describe - prehaps I should look again? And no, there is no hole in the heel.
Photo here: Well. CONGRATULATIONS, Laurence! You have a genuine BOULDER-made Baldwin.
Probably made between late-1966, and late-1967. (Just call it a '67.) The earliest production Baldwin I've documented, so far, is #212 -- a Style 2 standard-length 5-string openback. It was all in one piece when it sold on ebay in March 2006.
By Sept 2007, the peghead had been snapped off it -- and it was back on ebay. Bobby Thompson's Style D was #294 -- so yours might have been part of the same litter. Almost certainly in the shop at the same time. Programma rascheta objema zhidkosti v gorizontaljnoj cilindricheskoj emkosti. Now that I have your serial -- I found my previous file, from when you first posted it on the ODE Group. Does yours have a pearl banner? Or the aluminum one?