Ithaca Trench Gun Serial Numbers
I have an excelent condition WW2 Ithaca Trench Gun, original blue finish, RLB and ordnance bomb marked, in the correct serial number range, everything perfect and as it should be EXCEPT, it has a winchester handguard. Any board members out there who can help out with the proper Ithaca WW2 trench handguard? Hughlong, I wonder whether the handguard was added later by a collector, or if, perhaps, it may have had the Winchester handguard installed by an in-service armorer? Can you post pictures? Thanks for posting! David Albert dalbert@sturmgewehr.com. I have an excelent condition WW2 Ithaca Trench Gun, original blue finish, RLB and ordnance bomb marked, in the correct serial number range, everything perfect and as it should be EXCEPT, it has a winchester handguard.
The Ithaca Model 37 in U.S. Military Service. By Bruce Canfield - Monday, May 18, 2015. The World War II-production Model 37 trench gun serial numbers ranged from 57,820 to 61,450. May 18, 2015 - If a gun found today is not in this serial number range, it is not a genuine World War II-production Model 37 trench gun. The wartime Ithaca.
Any board members out there who can help out with the proper Ithaca WW2 trench handguard? Hughlong, I wonder whether the handguard was added later by a collector, or if, perhaps, it may have had the Winchester handguard installed by an in-service armorer? Can you post pictures? Thanks for posting! David Albert dalbert@sturmgewehr.com.
HERE IS A QUOTE FROM OLDGUNS.COM: Ithaca Model 37 trench guns manufactured under government contract during WWII were fitted with ventilated metal handguard/bayonet adapter assemblies. The Ithaca handguard had six rows of ventilation holes. The WWII Model 37 Ithaca trench gun was finished in commercial grade blue, including the handguard/adapter assembly and had standard sling swivels. The stock was plain and unadorned and was not stamped with an inspector's cartouche. The forend had parallel grasping grooves. The only martial markings observed on the trench guns were 'RLB' stamped on the left side of the receiver next to a small Ordnance Department flaming bomb and a small 'p' proof mark on the left side of the barrel.
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The 'RLB' initials were those of inspector Lt. Bowlin, Chief of the Rochester Ordnance District. Observed trench gun serial numbers range from: #61038 to #61856. All known original WWII Model 37 trench guns have the 'RLB' marking on the left side of the receiver So 6 rows is the key. The differences are difficult to describe in words but here is a start: The area connecting the main body (barrel attachment region) is connected to the lower bayonet-lug area by a particularly-contoured metal region. In 'NASCAR' terms, the Winchester type is a long sweeping curve, the Stevens is a short straight connected to a longer straight by a relatively tight-radius curve, and the Ithaca is between those two in contour (but closer to the Stevens).

The moral of the story is that you need to get Bruce Canfield's book on combat shotguns. He has good clear closeup photos of all three types so you can see how what you have compares to the others.
Oh the things our dreams are made of. Deskcnc probe. Imagine just about everybody would love to have some kind of Trench Gun, myself included. I spend way too much time pouring over every bit of information I can get my hands on regarding martial shotguns and they are in my dreams. I'd love to have any number of said shotguns, but am poor and can't seem to see myself spending thousands of dollars on something that should be in a museum.