Shs Scrap File Windows 7
Details for file extension: SHS - Shell Scrap Object File Troubleshoot, fix and learn. (Windows 10) or 'Windows cannot open this file' (Windows 7) or a similar.
You have an unusual situation with that file, a.shs file is a scrap file from word or excel but you also have the.wav extension on it. Drajvera dlya rulya genius trio racer f1. They might play it by opening either word or excel then drag and drop the file into either document and if all is good the file should open automatically. You may see a prompt to choose a language, pick one, I'm assuming English and that should start the.wav file. Sometimes I get.aspx files that I know are pdf's and all I do is add the.pdf after the.aspx and foxit reader will open the file, why I'm saying this is you may want to try removing the.shs from the file and see if it plays that way; Try clicking on the [now].wav only file.

You'll get a warning that doing that will/may damage the file so before you do any of this right click on the file and make a copy and work with the copy, saving the original. Thank you for your reply. I know it's a strange situation. The file is from a long time ago and I don't even remember exactly how it was created. I do know for certain that I was able to play it originally. I did some searching about the file and tried dragging it into word and excel. I was able to drag it into word, but when I tried to open it, it asked what application to use.
I tried windows media player and vlc. Neither worked.
I was not even able to drag it into excel. Star atlas software. I also tried simply removing the.shs extension and that didn't work either. I opened the file using notepad++ and I can see 'Wave Sound' and 'Soundrec' on the 8th line.
There is a lot of gibberish embedded between NUL characters, so it's hard to tell where the WAV portion begins and ends or if it's inside some sort of wrapper. As I said, I really would like to find a way to play this file, because it has personal significance. I wonder if I should try and set up a windows xp computer.
I've recently come across this.shs file that should contain chinese characters. The original document is written in 2005. When I opened the.shs file in notepad, it contained a mass amount of gibberish as well as a bunch of what seems to be hex numbers. Here is an example: 'ca 'c7 'cb 'ef 'd7 'd3 'a3 'ac 'c8 'e7 'b9 'fb 'b5 'b1 'd5 'e6 'b5 'c4 'bb 'b0 'd5 'e2 'd2 'bb 'b0 'ef 'd7 'd3 'b6 'bc 'bf 'ec 'd3 'd0 'cb 'ef 'd7 'd3 'b5 'c4 'd0 'fe 'cb 'ef 'd7 'd3 'c1 'cb 'a3 'ac 'd3 'ae 'c1 'cb 'c7 'ae 'b5 'bd 'b4 'a6 'c2 'f2 How might I go about translating this document back into Chinese? Scrap files are no longer supported by Windows/Office.
Microsoft dropped support in Vista / Windows 7 for security reasons. You might be lucky and still be able to get an old version of Windows XP / Office in an isolated environment (e.g. An offline VM) where you can still open the Scrap file. In fact, it might be sufficient if you have Windows XP and WordPad.
To open the file in WordPad, start WordPad and drag the Scrap file into the application window. If an icon appears in WordPad instead of the file's text content, right-click the icon and select 'Package Object/Edit Package' to view the scrap file's contents. And please be aware that scrap files may contain malware. If you are not sure about the source of the file, it's probably best to not open it.